What Industry isn't as Shady as We Might Think?

Okay reddit, here's more!

Yes....Them. On this strange planet, days are eternal. The brilliant sunlight is only interrupted by the arrival of a greasy film of darkness in sky that can extend as far as your eyes can see. And with the darkness...Them arrive.

....Them have a morphology that seems similar to spiders at first glance. However, these creatures are hideous and void of sensible biology even by arachnid standards. To start, it is clear that....Them instead have a peculiar internal skeleton structure. ….Them also wear clothing that looks similar to rough linen that is frayed around the elbows and knees. Speaking of elbows and knees: each arm and leg has additional limb and joint. This means that each leg has a thigh, then a knee, another limb, then a second knee, then the shin, then finally the ankle and foot. The height of….Them varies between 2 and 500 feet, but each member of….Them has grey skin, 6 legs, 2 arms, and a jaw that can expand and unhinge into something like a whale shark's mouth.

The natives decide unanimously to prepare the three new arrivals for combat against these horrible monsters, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma hesitantly agree. They are placed into the Lightning Combobulificator[patent pending] which augments the pitiful tools provided by the government into weapons holy electrical wrath. Weapons in hand, our three heroes go to battle against these dark creepy stompies.

They discover a plot by the attackers to permanently block out the light by launching catapult projectiles full of the oily darkness onto the strange sun. But our heroes arrive too late, and succeed only in redirecting the catapults onto civilization of light underneath. In doing so, they contaminate themselves with some of the darkness.

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