What sayings make no sense when you think about it?

There's a slight exception. My parents are very well meaning, but they had a habit of buying stuff for me despite my protestations that it's something I want to pick myself. I think they do it in part to save me money, but they don't see how annoying it is to have someone take control of something like that. In your laptop example it would have gone like this: I mention or they find out I'm going to buy a new laptop, but think the spec I've picked is too expensive and that I don't need it. I tell them I'm still sticking with my spec and that I'm buying it. They go off and buy a laptop that doesn't meet the specs I need. This puts me in a difficult position because I still need the laptop I originally wanted, but now I have to navigate the issue of this laptop they've spent money on that just doesn't meet my needs.

To use a more extreme example, it's like you want to buy a four door family car because you've got kids and other reasons to need that sort of car, yet against your wishes they buy you a two door car because they feel it's more economical. But you still need the four door car, and you've only got room for one car, so now you have to deal with a car you didn't want and the hurt feelings that go along with turning a gift down.

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