What making an expensive purchase is like for an INTJ

be careful. defining yourself(INTJ) based on the myers-briggs index is pretty much the same as defining your abilities based on the limitations of the definition.

for me, a more realistic psychological model is maslow's and carl roger's self-actualization model. once maslow's hierarchy of needs are met, you are working towards self-actualization.. In my mind this is the eventual goal that all persons should strive towards. many wont meet the set of needs and will struggle throughout the needs. this is obviously not ideal. we should work as a society to provide for every person to meet the hierarchy of needs.

self-actualization is really just focus i think. once you are an established adult, and have satisfied all of the needs, you just are working towards self-actualization.


16 Distinguishing Characteristics of Self-Actualizing People from the writings of Abraham Maslow

  1. They are realistically oriented.
  2. They accept themselves, other people, and the natural world for what they are.
  3. They have a great deal of spontaneity.
  4. They are problem-centered rather than self-centered.
  5. They have an air of detachment and a need for privacy.
  6. They are autonomous and independent.
  7. Their appreciation of people and things is fresh rather than stereotyped.
  8. Most of them have had profound mystical or spiritual experiences, although not necessarily religious in character.
  9. They identify with mankind.
  10. Their intimate relationships with a few specially loved people tend to be profound and deeply emotional rather than superficial.
  11. Their values and attitudes are democratic.
  12. They do not confuse means with ends.
  13. Their sense of humor is philosophical rather than hostile.
  14. They have a great fund of creativeness.
  15. They resist conformity to the culture.
  16. They transcend the environment rather than just coping with it.
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