TIL Eminem's song "Lose Yourself" was the first rap song to win an Oscar for Best Original Song, but Eminem did not even watch the awards because he did not think he stood a chance at winning. Instead, he fell asleep watching cartoons with his daughter.

My brother likes to think he's Eminem... sad thing is, he's basically a Stan. He's been "rapping" for the past 8 or 10 years, spending all his excess cash on studio equipment or things that make him look like he's wealthy when he's really a broke ass.

The saddest part of this whole thing is his daughter. Eminem is a legit amazing father. He adopted his sister in laws daughters and has always been a true family man. My brother, on the other hand, as much as he likes to think he's Eminem, is a total failure as a father. My niece is 10 and she just barely started putting her foot down and stopped her mom from forcing her to see my brother. She never liked him, because he's a narcissistic douchebag and she's a smart kid and she can see that. I remember when she was like 6 she was sleeping over at the house my mom, brother and I shared at the time and she ended up coming to sleep with me. I asked her why she didn't want to sleep with her dad and she told me "He smells". How brutal is that?

Well this turned into a long rant. Long story short Eminem is great and my brother smells.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org