What is the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you completely unprovoked?

It was. It really, really was. It was a friend I took a chance on, stupidly thinking maybe, just maybe they wouldn't look down on me because of it. Hurt me with it. It was something I had never told anyone before. Something deeply, deeply vulnerable and extremely painful. Said friend took that right out and wiped the floor with me. And it wasn't just a slip that lasted a minute or so. It lasted for days as I sat there and took it for reasons I have yet to understand within myself ( that process alone is incredibly painful as it requires asking myself very painful questions ).

Said friend has since apologized and and is acting in a way that makes me feel like I'm being treated with gloves. Also, said friend is going through a difficult time in their life, so they asked me to stay. So I'm staying, but my heart will never be the same again. Toward the friend or the world. I hold no grudges nor anger. Just so incredibly hurt and shocked it came to that, I don't believe I will ever be done licking my wounds after this one.

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