What is the most elaborate lie you have ever told?

The biggest lie i ever did was drink and drive, i was speeding on the free way completely hammered in and out of consciousness the only thing i remember was seeing taillights really close infront of my car so drunk me decides its best to swerve and go around them and go on my way. Well that didnt work out so well, i take a hard right crossing 2 lanes and plow into the concrete median at 80 MPH. Completely destroyed my car... the drive shaft is in half..the engine was on the ground.. the body of the car starting to rip in half.. hood inverted to cover the windshield. I'm really lucky the car didnt go over the barrier off the bridge, thats a long fall... I would most certainly be dead. Nothing quite as haunting as the sound of that crash. Police responded adrenaline pumping through my veins at this point, i dont feel the effects of alcohol. I did not get a DUI they didnt test me at all. I was so lucky not to hurt anyone. Only my property was involved in the crash, I am so lucky to walk away with just a seat belt rash. Talk about scared straight.

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