What was the most intense experience of your life?

Fully rupturing my achilles landing flat with my CRF450R way past the end of the landing.


The adrenaline overload of "I am going WAY too fast for this super steep jump".


This is how it's going to die, I am so stupid...


Holy shit I'm nearly at the tree tops and still rising!


I didn't chop the throttle... I am perfectly positioned to actually land this, way beyond the end of the jump, get everything ready, this is going to be a rough landing...


Absorbing so much of gravity's fury that you immediately bottom out the bike, then you're compressing.... you hear a pop and have the most intense pain of your life, then a 100 millisecond and another pop and you've once again set a new record for pain experience.


Pain is so beyond comprehension you don't even notice you also fractured your tail bone. Somehow you're still riding! You need to slow down and get off the bike as soon as possible -- you're in so much pain you can't think!


You've jumped off on one foot hoping and you drop the bike. Rolling on the ground trying to make the pain dissipate. Eventually it subsides and you fear removing your boot. How could your foot even be connected still after it bent so awkwardly spraining and tearing so many different ways.

/r/AskReddit Thread