What is the most profound or life changing question a therapist or other trusted advisor has challenged you with?

When I was 22, I gained an alarming amount of weight within 1 year after college and a difficult breakup. I went to see a nutritionist and when I got in the scale, my heart dropped. I went from an athletic 5'7, 145 lbs woman, to an obese 220 lbs one. After weighing myself and giving me pointers, I was crying saying that I wasn't pretty. She said I was gorgeous, but this had absolutely nothing to do with appearance. She said that picking comfort over health was very easy, but that I needed to apply myself and make a life style change, and not just "lose the weight". She then asked me something that changed forever how I see physical health, she asked, "how many elderly obese people do you see walking around? they don't make it." That comment changed my life. I don't care that the fact acceptance movement comes after me, I needed a reality check and that comment opened my eyes because she was 100% right. You don't see obese people make it pass 65-70.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread