What was the most terrifying thing you've woken up to?

I did a leadership program at summer camp during my teenage years in Ontario. One of the requirements of the program was to do an overnight solo. Not as interesting as it sounds, you got dropped off early afternoon and picked up early the next morning. They would basically take a few of us out by canoe or boat, and drop us off at a random spot on the same lake the camp was located. After a while it was my turn as well as 3 others and we all packed up and got ready. We decided we would try and find each other after we were dropped off by yelling and watching where people got dropped off at. I was one of the last to get dropped off so I had a pretty good idea of where the others were. After waiting 20 minutes or so until the supervisors had returned to the portion of the lake by the camp we all began trying to find each other. A few of us managed to, and we started unpacking a couple things we weren't allowed to bring (cell phones, pot, alcohol, etc.) to enjoy our boring night 'alone' in the wilderness. So we partied and carried on until it got a bit too dark. I had to meander my way back to the spot I had been dropped off at or else my supervisor would know I moved, which wasn't allowed. I borrowed the lighter from my friend and stumbled back to my site. Only being around 10pm or so I decided to make a fire with the lighter I had gotten to watch and fall asleep too. just to paint a picture, my campsite was on a little peninsula that stuck out a tiny bit on the lake with a pretty decent flat open area. I fact I built the fire on an existing fire pit so obviously some local cottagers liked the spot. In front is the lake, On my right were the other kids doing their solos about 2 kilometres away, and on the left was about 2-3 kilometres of just bush until the lake meets road. Behind me is steep embankment and cliffs. So what I assume to be at about 1 or so in the morning. I wake up to my fire pit cracking of some embers and the moon is lighting everything up. I turn over on my sleeping pad to look out on the lake and I notice a figure walking away from me down the shoreline on my left. It's someone walking just off shore back to the road away from me. I froze and watched him disappear and didn't fall back asleep. I wasn't suppose to have a fire so I kept it small and out to out early before anyone came back to pick me up. When I went to out it out I noticed a few beer cans on the other side of the fire that were not there beforehand. Apparently whoever it was joined me that night by the fire while I was asleep and unaware. Really freaks me out looking back on it, I never told anyone at the camp about it. Sorry for the poor format/writing, I'm not a good writer

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