What movie do you consider a masterpiece and why?

The Fifth Element quite literally takes stereotypical archetypes of both character and genre to weave its own tapestry. Bruce Willis’s Korben Dallas is not the character you're supposed to relate to, he's the focus of the story, but he's a caricature of his own Die Hard character John McClane. He's intentionally overly masculine and emotionally distant. They literally shove that into your face at the beginning by showing the long list of weapons required for the mission on a cartoonish scroll falling from the general's hand. They even joke about him being too emotionally distant in his apartment. The movie is almost force-feeding to the audience, "hey, he's the overly macho hero". Most movies aren't as forceful about it, but this one does so intentionally which is why it comes across as annoying at first. Then they introduce the damsel in distress character, LeeLoo. She's naked and scared and has no idea what is going on. As an audience, we don't know what's going on either so we're in the same boat as her. She's the character the audience is supposed to relate to because we don't know anything other than who some people are and fragments of plot. As she learns, we learn. Her character is also intentionally annoying just like foreigners often are to natives.

They then proceed to introduce Zorg as the evil villain as well as stereotypically dumb henchmen who don't know enough to ask about the little red button. They even have the wise old man with his apprentice supposed to have the information to save everybody. Everything is cliché and standard to this point. You have the emotionally distant overly-masculine hero; the frail, scared, and emotionally unstable and weak damsel in distress requiring saving; the evil villain bent on destroying the world; and then the too dumb to get anything done henchmen to carry out everything. This is the model for nearly every action movie even to this day.

Now let's examine the genre the movie occupies, the space opera. One of the most popular space operas is Star Wars, but that franchise wasn't first and there were many before it. The genre's essentially set in outer space, deals with campy romance, has advanced technology and weaponry. This is exactly what The Fifth Element is from the start.

The movie is beloved because it's not just a good movie, but a great satire of an entire genre without becoming a joke of itself. Look at the first Scream movie as a counterexample. It lampooned slasher horror films for large laughs, but revealed itself as a hidden plot-based movie at the end by being a satire of not just slashers, but also crime-thrillers. While Scream hid within its jokes, The Fifth Element was the dancer on stage intentionally dancing horribly for half the show before showing the true grace and showcasing the technical difficulty it required for someone skilled to actually go against the skill to be that bad on stage.

Reflecting back on this, Leeloo the fifth element seems to represent love, art, and life. The life is a bit obvious in my opinion: The evil planetary force wants to destroy everything, Leeloo is the one who can stop the death. How do you stop death? Life. The love, however, is slightly more hidden. It mostly reflects on Korben’s relationship with her, which is the entire reason they made it so far! (Or at least, that’s what I like to think!)

Finally, the deepest meaning in my opinion- Art. This is told not in the plot, but in-between the lines.the entire movie reveals itself as a satire of a space opera literally in the middle of a space opera as it turns into electronic vocals. From then on, every archetype is reversed. The overly masculine emotionally distant hero becomes the emotionally frail character. LeeLoo is revealed to be the overly masculine strong hero character. The wise old man and his apprentice really have no idea what's going on. The hero and villain never, ever talk to each other, see each other, or really know about each other (aside from Korben being employed and fired by Zorg's company at the beginning). The henchmen wind up being dumber than any henchmen before making them a complete joke as well, but at the same time unpredictable causing the villain's plan to blow up in his face. This movie's own satirical antics are the art itself, as is the closest meaning to the fifth element.

/r/AskReddit Thread