What obesity looks like on the inside [NSFW]

People don't lack the desire to lose weight. People want to lose weight like crazy. Food for an obese person is the equivalent of crack to a crackhead. You don't just put away the needle and syringe and say, well, I've had enough crack now! You eat to reach an ultimate high, which I know sounds crazy, but it's true. Feeling terrible about your day? I better eat. Feeling terrible about yourself? I better eat. Stressed? I better eat. Hanging out with friends and having fun? I better eat. Food can be there as a crutch for all of your emotional needs. Not only that, but then there's the thrill of going out and buying the food too, and especially if you have the money to do it. I was at 269 lbs at the beginning of July, and decided enough was enough, and I'm now 30lbs lighter, but my craving is all still there. The craving to eat a burrito or a burger has gotten better, but for the first three months, I would try and negotiate with myself ways to fit unhealthy foods into my diet. I would say "but what if I got just a cheeseburger from Mc Donalds or what if I got a burrito without rice or guacamole." I still haven't gotten over the whole "excitement" of spending money on food though. I've gotten better over time, but I still go out and spend money food daily (healthy foods of course).

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