What do people often underestimate?

I suppose. I've never thought of it that way. I just kind of put it under that list of "reasons life is unfair" that we all have. Calling it a disability seems like a good way to really piss off a lot of people. So I'll hold off on that; at least until a good scientific study finds that whole a group of people are incapable of keeping time. However, that is really what it is.

I've tried for so many years to get better, but the problem actually seems biological. You know how time doesn't pass while you're sleeping? It's just like that. Time just plain disappears. Improving seems just as hard as creating extra time arbitrarily. Why can't you just experience 5 minutes in the next second like everyone else?

I also can't form or access memories in the missing time. Ask me to do something after I just woke up and you might as well have told me while I was sleeping. It's not always that bad, but you can imagine the havoc that causes in my morning routine. In particular, not remembering my own morning routine is brutal. I'll be sitting on the toilet for an hour because I have no idea what's supposed to come next. If the impairment didn't end, I would be a vegetable. I guess I don't worry about it because 90% of the time, I function normally or better than average.

A seemingly unrelated issue is that my brain is really good at keeping me in bed. I'll have dreams where I wake up and start my morning. Then I'll wake up again and start my morning. Then I'll wake up again and start my morning. Ad infinitum. Sometimes this will make me miss my alarm by an hour. How can I wake up if I'm already awake? It's impossible. There's nothing I can do. Of course, you can't tell people these things when you walk in late. They'll just call you lazy or stupid.

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