What is a realistic solution to preventing mass shootings?

I agree that guns in and of themselves are not an issue. But I also think that the relatively easy access we have to guns in America is a contributing factor to the issue of deaths caused by guns.

In fact I also don't support blanket bans on guns by type with one exception: fully automatics. Also anything that modifies a gun to make it easier to fire at a quicker rate.

I also agree that we shouldn't plaster the shooters name everywhere, but I honestly don't think that will do much to reduce the incidence of mass shootings we are currently seeing.

So what do I think is "good, common sense gun control legislation"? A license to own, separate from a license to carry. Require classes and testing for that license. Violent crime means no license. Register all guns and gun owners into a national database. This will at least give us an idea of how many guns there are, who has them, and how they move around since the thing we seem to lack most of all is good information about guns and the way they're used in this country.

But also, let's increase funding for mental health crisis interventions. Let's reach out to those who are isolated, feeling despair, rage, or resentment. Let's fix our inner city communities that are awash in gang violence.

Once we manage all of this, I think we'll be in better shape.

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