Why can't women admit looks>personality

The fuck does this mean.

It debunks your argument that unwillingness to improve means you have a worse personality over those that are willing to.

Wrong. The only reason we have personality that are "good" or "bad" is feedback from others.

We alter our personalities to please those around us. So, if you were good looking your whole life, you would get less negative feedback.

At-least you are addressing the actual claim I had an issue with. This still doesn't prove anything though.

Experiences range from person to person. Person a had positive experiences that gave him a 7/10 personality. Person b had negative experiences that gave him a 4/10 personality.

Person a never got feedback so he stayed at a 7 and person b improved to a 6.

Most people would take "Person A" because he is better than every way. It wouldn't make any sense to say we only get feedback from other people because that's not true. You can very well develop positive personalities held within isolation.

We both know what a spoiled child is, right? Well imagine that spoiled child was constantly told how great they were. Why would they stop being spoiled? Spoiled/selfish is default, that is why part of kindergarten is learning to share.

Who's to say the positive feedback they received didn't overshadow their selfishness?

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