What was/is reddits biggest circlejerk moment?

I take excellent care of my car, thank you. Unfortunately, between work and studying for the ASVAB I'll be taking soon, plus balancing a girlfriend, it's a bit difficult to find the time to do things like that.

Also, as Ive stated COUNTLESS times, Im saving for a GT. Throwing down the money for smoked headlights is pointless when I plan to sell the fucking thing. Ive taken care of a huge majority of it's issues this past year; including getting a stereo because I bought it without one (was stolen), new o2 sensors, a new manifold, cleared up the legal issues with the title since the car had been previously stolen... Ive dropped easily a grand into a car I never planned on keeping long term.

Listen here pal. I love my car. Im 20 years old, I bought it with my money, and Ive maintained it best I can on minimum wage, while supporting my mother and little sister to the best of my ability. Sure it needs a wash and wax. Sure, it could use some love on the headlights. I love and enjoy my car as much as I did my last one (RIP), not only that, but it's all I have at the moment and I have a hard enough time keeping gas in it. It's been in the driveway for two days, because I don't have $20 to half fill the tank. So excuse me for managing my time and finances as best I can to achieve my goals in life and support my family. Excuse me for not having a brand new eco boost at 16 years old like some of these fucks do. Excuse me for having to pick and choose what I can and cannot afford to do to my car, and whether or not it's worth it.

Would I like a new paint job? Yes. Would I like the time and/or money to clean/get new head lights? Absolutely. Id love to have an afternoon to clean the motor and engine bay. Id love to replace a few parts on the interior. But I can't. So ya know what I did? Made the fucking best of it. I made a personality for my car (Im THAT into cars.) I made the ugliness part of it's charm. When I bought the car, I HATED it. But the personality I formed in my mind, and shared with you guys, is what won me over. Excuse me for finding a way to make the best of what I have.

Is it just some piece of shit V6? Yeah. And ya know what? That is the BEST damned motor Ford has ever designed outside of it's racing line. No other motor FORD has produced can hold a candle to the Essex V6 in terms of reliability. They have never produced a BODY STYLE as good as the New Edge. You know what's really ugly? A fusion with a Mustang emblem on it.

That car, as poor shape as it may be in, by no fault of my own, has been reliable, and DAMNED surprising in terms of performance, for a stock V6. I beat a damned Camaro that was in MUCH better condition in Ugly.

Sure. My gimmick may be old. But ya know what? It's why I love the car. And why I choose to share it. I RARELY post in that toxic sub anymore. You fucking assholes ruined it for me. I even liked the s550 until everyone got on their high horses and started acting like they were better than anyone. R/newedgemustang NEVER has anything bad to say. And to take it even further, I made my OWN subreddit so I could post pictures of my car.

So forgive me if Im excited to share something I love. Forgive me if I do my best to try to post something that isn't the same shit as everyone else. I don't do it for the karma, I could care less. I do it to feel like Im apart of a community that shares the same passion I do. I wanted to set myself a part from everyone else and I did.

Ive held my tongue on this for a long time. So. Downvote away Reddit. Not everyone is fucking perfect.

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