What’s the deal with the google guy that got sacked?

A Google employee made a document expressing his dislike of some of Google's diversity initiatives.

He did not like Google artificially introducing more diverse races/groups of people, and thought that simply whoever is skilled enough for the job and fits the requirements should be hired. If that meant most employees are white or black or whatever it is - it doesn't matter as long as they do their job well.

Some other Google employees disliked this document. Accusations varied, with equivalents of racism, sexism, or other things.

Some commentators have labelled Google as "politically correct", other have labelled it as "doing the right thing"

The major point(s) stated in the document/memo do not seem to have been resolved. Some commentators were again quick to call Google politically correct and "scared of facing the actual problem just to gain more public support", while other opinions sometimes faced the opposite direction, that Google "did what should be done."

Was Google wrong in what they did? That question will bring in two heated camps of discussion.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread