What’s a harsh reality that everybody needs to hear?

But to that same effect if you make all the right decisions and are patient enough, work hard enough and determined enough it can pay off in the end and the American dream is alive and well. Regardless of what one political party or the other might say.

My wife and I make a very comfortable wage for our area, we live in the nicest house in our neighborhood, we probably drive the nicest cars(remember, this is relative our neighborhood in our area, your area and mine aren’t the same, what I call the nicest house/car, may not be in yours) We aren’t rich, but we certainly aren’t poor.

I certainly didn’t have it easy growing up, my parents probably should have both been charged with human trafficking for using us as free labor for their company, which couldn’t stay afloat even with us working for free, my dad in the middle of this had stage 4 cancer and died and I was basically homeless and jobless with $600 in my pocket at one point. I never got more than maybe a 6th grade education from my mom via “homeschooling” which should be illegal imo.

But What did I do? I worked my ass off, I put myself through college, taking classes at the local community in order to catch up to where my education should have been. I took the shittiest job at a company I wanted to work at in order to get my foot in the door. Been there 10 years now and am making almost twice what I started working the job I wanted.

I’ve managed to put enough time and money together to travel the world on my own dime for 11 1/2 months over the course of four different trips in 7 years.

With all that said I’ve made sacrifices in other areas of my life, I don’t go out a lot, I still pack a lunch every day to work. I haven’t bought a new shirt in 3 years. And I don’t have any kids(the single biggest money saver).

I guess what I’m trying to say is if you want to own a nice house and drive nice cars it is completely within your reach if you’re willing to make the right amount of effort and sacrifices along the way. if I can accomplish all of this while essentially being human trafficked and only given a six grade education until After I got out of the house on my own, you can do the same too.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent