What’s something you’re good at but don’t get to brag about much?

I don’t think I’m particularly ‘good’ at a lot of things, but I am pretty good at both singing and acting. Not great, but its the ONLY two things I could say I’m a natural at. I’m a mezzo soprano with a really good range and I’ve only had a handful of singing lessons in my life that taught me how to breathe properly. I’m also extremely good at acting. I can be any personality you want me to be at any time, even when I’m super exhausted and I’m extremely convincing when I do it. I’ve sort of developed this skill? Because I constantly was bullied and mistreated by literally everyone around me so I kept adjusting and making new personalities that I would put on until people stopped.

I’m a compelling voice actor and storyteller. I’m very good at being immersive apparently and I also voice act when I play D&D and everyone seems to enjoy those sessions. I’ve been told I’m a very animated person and that I am not boring to talk to at all. I have a few American friends who really, really want me to live over there so I can be in their larping group.

I’ve never really been able to do anything in the theatre scene. I was an ‘ugly’ girl when I was little (gap in front teeth, glasses, plain brown hair) so I either got tiny supporting roles in any kind of theatre or more commonly got a boy’s part. In my year there happened to be two twins who were very pretty and identical and could sing and literally every single bit of attention went to them. I tried singing when I was younger but those same twins became very mean and made fun of me and I never tried again. They have a record deal in NYC now.

I never got a single chance to show the adults around me what I could do and to be able to explore that part of me so I just stopped trying. I’m sad I’ll probably never get to do it. I only sing when I’m alone now, I’m absolutely mortified if people catch me but no one has said anything near negative to me ever since primary school so I have no idea why I’m so embarrassed.

I think acting in itself is really fun when I get to choose what personality or character I can pretend to be. I think I remember a few instances of a music teacher really loving my voice and energy and wanting to give me solos and main parts, she was blown away by my range, she almost restored my confidence. But then she moved to another school, my crappy school stopped getting funding for theatre because it had one less teacher to run it and it never happened. I never met another adult that cared I guess.

Anyways that’s my story, sorry it’s a bit long. I’m pretty good at needlessly rambling as well.

/r/AskReddit Thread