What is the saddest thing in your family’s history?

My grandmother's mother was a prostitute, so she never knew her father. Her mother died in bed with her at the age of 9. She woke up and found her. She had two younger brothers that she had to take care of at age 9.

She was eventually taken in by a woman and her family, but was separated from her brothers. To my knowlegde she never saw them again. This woman who took her in treated her like a slave. Beat her, and made her clean the house. Eventually this woman decided she wanted my grandmother to marry her son. She told her to seduce him. She did, and she got pregnant. They got married. The son is my grandfather.

My grandfather continued to cheat on her for many years. My grandmother got addicted to pills. She was bulimic. When she found out she was pregnant again with my dad, she tried to throw herself down stairs to abort the pregnancy.

Now I love them both, but I feel so sorry for my grandmother. She was abused and mistreated, which clearly resulted in an array of mental health issues. She never got any help, but somehow raised her 4 children to be all to be very rational, kind, and relatively normal. She really went through hell and back and I always wonder if she was ever truly happy.

/r/AskReddit Thread