What have you seen genuinely shitty people do that they thought was perfectly acceptable?

I think if someone was waiting on me I would definitely try to be on time but I am genuinely wondering if anyone else has this problem... I usually don't have to be at work until 5pm and no matter what I do during the day even if it's absolutely nothing I cannot get myself to get up and start getting ready on time. I should start getting ready around 4 but I will just procrastinate until the very. last. second. and end up rushing like crazy and then I'm late pretty much every single day. I don't mean to do it at all and I hate that I do but I just don't know why I'm like this. Im otherwise a really good employee which is the only reason I haven't been fired but I know how shitty I'm being especially if someone else if waiting on me. I desperately want to change and I don't know if I'm just an asshole or if there is something I can do to help it so if anyone can fix me please let me know.

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