What should I do?

It sounds like you're finding a lot of excuses. Let me tell you a totally relevant story.

I was like you. I had a smoking hot 10/10 5 year girlfriend, I hosted big house parties, I had a bunch of friends. Then some life shit happened, people moved away or became assholes, my gf and I ended in a very messy way, and I hit rock bottom. I don't know how long you've been in a funk like me but due to stress and self-esteem issues and bullshit I've been stuck here for 5 months.... so I thought.

I realized a few things. One, most of my self-esteem issues and unhappiness can be alleviated by making myself look good. It doesn't solve my unhappiness but exercising, remembering to do my acne skincare routine everyday, and wearing clothes that fit me all make every interaction go way smoother with the ladies.

Two, I couldn't be confused anymore about why I was unhappy. I'd been attributing it to obvious reasons (excuses) like for me my Fire Service career was thrown down the toilet when my mentally ill Mother unrightfully accused me of assault and unintentionally got me arrested and thrown in jail. But no, now I understand that losing all my friends, girlfriend, career, etc made me lose my identity as well because I based it on them. I'm unhappy because I've been comparing myself to the old me who was in a completely different life situation when I should be comparing myself to the me from a week ago who was just a little bit uglier and a little bit smaller.

A lot of this stuff was realized by making an effort to meet new people and form new relationships. The way your 6 year old friends talk to you isn't a reflection of yourself, it's a reflection of the dude they've known for 6 years. New people it's much easier to calibrate because first impressions tell all. I think that's why seddit recommends talking to as many girls as possible and just learning how to roll with the punches, because you will get better at talking to women.

And hey this is coming from a guy who's not too far along from where you are. In the past few months I've gotten my ex to cheat with me, I started a fuck-buddy thing with my retail manager, and I've gotten really good at the cold approach. That's just few months effort beyond being convinced I was going to kill myself and wallowing in self-pity.

I hope this helps, it's helping me to type it all out.

/r/seduction Thread