What Should The Government Spend To Save A Life?

Unfortunately there's a dark side to medicine. (Everyone likes to say they know this until it's family on the line). Not everyone can be/should be worked. Not for monetary reasons. There's 3 types of pts. 1. No matter what you do, they'll live. 2. No matter what you do, they'll die. 3.(the most important) Without you, they will die. Mass Casualty training is focused on pt #3.

One of the hardest parts of healthcare...who gets to live? How do you go home after that call? Did you make the right call(i can't use all my resources on every pt). The goverment can throw all the money they want, this rule of medicine will not change, unfortunately. So we can throw 20 grand for each sick person..doesn't mean it'll help. Politicians defiantly will not recognize this rule.

/r/Coronavirus Thread Link - fivethirtyeight.com