What do you get sick of explaining to people?

I know this doesn't answer the question perfectly, but its on my mind and I think its funny. To my roommate, everything. He is a civil engineer who makes a ton of money, and lives a very nice lifestyle. I'm not sure how. The more and more I live with the guy, the more I realize that he is profoundly stupid. Like functionally retarded. In the past 3 days:

  • Spent ~3 minutes attempting to explain in every possible way I could conceive of, how to spell the word "oink".

  • Going over a simple mechanics problem with a friend about a scale, where the problem involved a relationship between the orientation of the scale in degrees to the weight of the object being measured. My roommate had a huge hangup here, when he saw a degree symbol in our calculations (the little circle). For about 15 minutes he could not wrap his head around the fact we were talking about degrees in an angle, not degree Celcius. I'm not even exaggerating.. it took us 15 minutes to make him understand that the question "But how many Celcius is in one pound?!?" makes no sense.

  • The superbowl stream I watched was lagging a bit, and every time it would buffer it would continue at the place it started buffering (rather than skip ahead to the live version). As a result of his needing to buffer less, the stream on his computer and on my computer were out of sync. There was literally no way I could explain this to him, somehow. He could not wrap his head around what was going on, that was making mine behind his. Even as we watched the buffering process in real time, side by side. He just couldn't figure it out.

Dude is driving me crazy. I can't imagine the poor souls he works with.

/r/AskReddit Thread