What do you silently tolerate from a friend, family member, or SO because you love them, and because they put up with your shit too?

My best friend tends to get blackout drunk. It's not that she drinks often or has a problem, but when she drinks she doesn't know when to stop. Especially at family parties and weddings. The annoying part is that she's clumsy as fuck when she's drunk - one time she almost flipped my futon, fell onto my table and spilled milk on my laptop in one go. BUT she's the funniest person I know so lots of great stories come from this habit, too. Here are some highlights:

One time at a party her mom's boss gave her a lasagna to give to her mom. She lost it somewhere outside. Her mom later asked her where she put the lasagna and I don't think she remembered that there was ever a lasagna.

Another time she pissed herself in the car sitting between her mom and her cousin and got the seat wet and basically peed on them.

Last time we drank together she fell in my room and a bunch of pistachio shells fell out of her pockets and we couldn't stop laughing. Then we were in the car with my mom (who she has a huge crush on) and she asked my mom if she was a hoarder (she kind of is), if her and my stepdad still loved each other, and if they were still dating (they fight a lot so it's a reasonable question) and said that if not she would date her and that she's super hot. My mom adores her and likes she compliments and I was dying laughing the whole time, and my friend didn't remember any of it later. Yet somehow I'm the one that puked on the way home lol

/r/AskReddit Thread