What small acts of sexism annoy you / what do you not find offensive at all? [X-Post from /r/AskWomen]

I hate how labour intensive jobs being male dominated is seen as "sexist." Get the fuck over yourself.

Bosses want the job done quickly and safely. It has less to do with you being a woman and more to do with the FACT that men are bigger, stronger, and faster and are very much so, the better tool for that job. Why would a boss want to spend money on someone who cannot carry as heavy of a load, work as long, or as fast? Plus, having a woman who is ignorant enough to think that she can do everything a man can and feels that she has to prove this, is a safety hazard. She's going to push herself beyond what she should and someone will end up hurt because of it.

I think offensive jokes are the funniest jokes and I hate when people get all offended by them like I'm attacking them directly. Fuck off. It's a joke. And a super funny one. "What do you call a black, millionaire physicist? -A nigger"

I love that joke. I also love my black cousins as if they were my own brother. I respect my Jamaican uncle more than pretty much anyone else I know and when life is getting heavy, I often end up going to him for advice and a place to vent.

People are fucked.

This native lady dropped her bun once and started cursing and I said a word in cree that is like saying, "oh poor you," in a sarcastic way. It's a fairly common phrase and something my mom said to me many times growing up. "Mom I stubbed my toe!" "Oh, Chimackasu" (I have no idea how to spell that word. Not a fucking clue)

Anyways, I say this and this lady and her friends flip the fuck out and start calling me a racist and whatever. I just got mad. Said, "fuck this," and turned around because I'm really not dealing with these ignorant cunts. They wanted to fight me, so my friend was trying to explain that I was native as well. When he said the reserves name that my family comes from, they asked fora name, I gave them my Granny's and it turns out, that's their Aunty! We were cousins. Now this white boy wasn't a racist anymore, he was family. She kept trying to talk to me for the rest of the night and was all happy and shit with me. I was polite, but I wished she would just fuck off because I really don't have time for the kind of ignorance in my life. Family or not, I don't fucking like you and that is not going to change because your racist ass labeled me a racist just for being white. Go fuck yourself.

/r/AskMen Thread