What is the smallest thing you've seen someone blow up about?

my father is famous for temper tantrums......some examples.

Lost his shit while fishing because he couldn't find some pinch on lead weights he thought he had. Yelling and knocking things around the boat screaming "I WANT MY WEIGHTS!!!" it echoed across the lake like some kind of embarrassing performance concert.

Lost his shit in the parking lot at a very busy Pizza hut because the fan belt on my Honda civic broke. Witnessed by my friend and the entire staff of the pizza hut as well as the customers. Had a replacement belt in the trunk and it could be replaced in literally 60 seconds. Lost. His. Shit.

Lost his shit because I left a tire iron on the side of the road when I drove 30km out into the country to help him replace a blown tire on his truck. It was my tire iron and I have a dozen of them sitting around my shop. Lost. His. Shit.

Lost his shit at me for breaking my own Fishing Rod while reeling in a 7kg Walleye that fought harder than any other large fish I've ever caught before. The rod was almost 20 years old. One of the original Ugly Stiks. Lost. His. Shit.

Lost his shit at my sister for getting a tiny tattoo of Tweety Bird on her ankle when she was 32. Lost. His. Shit. Threatened to 'disown' her.

/r/AskReddit Thread