What is something that genuinely bothers you, but you never complain about because you'd seem like an asshole?

I live in North Carolina. Bible Belt, gun rights lovin place. A couple months back this 10 year old boy shot himself in the head by accident with a gun. His father owns an insurance agency in town. Which for some reason in the south is a very lucrative business. He probably has a net worth of over 2 million dollars (which is a lot in the south).

Anyways, immediately after the boy shot himself the father began posting these "prayer for _____" things all over the place on facebook. He would right these huge lengthy posts on facebook about some bible verse he had found his son had written down to read later, or some bible verse he had read that indicated prayer would fix his son's gunshot wound to the head.

He harped on praying relentlessly. He said "pray without stopping so we can give all the credit to god!" And sure enough it would seem that his son is going to live and they are giving 100% credit to god and prayer.

I'm happy the kid is going to be ok, but honestly, the whole situation really pisses me off. First it pisses me off that this dickface put his gun out where his son could get to it or gave it to him without supervising him. It's a 10 year old boy for fucks sake and the dad is a millionaire. It's not like he couldn't afford a good gun safe or gun locks. The only thing that makes sense is he just carelessly left it out. It pisses me off that the father never once took any kind of personal responsibility for this act. He never said he felt bad or "oh god why did I leave the gun out?" or "why god did I give him the gun?"

No, his first reaction was to take to social media and ask for prayers. Thousands of people joined in on their prayers and making donations because he's a christian. The man is wealthy and really could pay his own hospital bills, but he's taking shit loads of donations. His business sees a boost from the christian community nearby due to sympathy. And no one ever stops to ask "how did this boy shoot himself in the head?"

I felt like there should have been some form of investigation and potentially some kind of repercussions. But, asking for prayers has saved him. And then they give 100% credit to god. But what about the credit to the team of doctors that had to work around the clock to keep this poor boy alive. The team of physicians that work tirelessly now to rehabilitate this boy as he has to re-learn how to walk and talk. The history of scientists that dedicated their lives to developing the drugs that kept that boy alive in his critical times.

And no one would ever be allowed to question any part of this. You can't say "the doctors saved that boy." because the lord has already done it. You can't question why the boy had a gun because the second amendment said he could. You can't question why this father decided not to monitor his weapons because he has fully given himself to the lord. If I was to ever speak out of line of this entire process I'd be condemned locally. Sometimes I feel like Joe in the movie idiocracy trying to convince people not to water their crops with Brando. It's just fucking nuts.

/r/AskReddit Thread