What is something men think would attract women, but in reality it wouldn't?

Yeah my bad, im glad you're inclusive. In my life, however, (rural Australia AKA Buttfuck nowhere) we all know how to fix cars and we are all enthusiastic about our own cars (also the unattainable dream cars) The first person to help with my last alternator issue was a woman. We fixed it. All my issues have been helped/ fixed by 50/50 men and women and yes, I drove shitboxes in my 20s lol. Suburbia is different I guess, no one seems to know anything but the best tow truck company. Yes media heavily skews towards men. The same way self help and therapy is sold to women. That doesn't make it accurate tho. One of my fondest memories is whenever Street machine (big car mag in Oz, I dunno if you guys have it) put sexy women on the cover this obstructing the view of a gorgeous car, they get hoards of women complaining about the obstruction. Its a car mag after all. Not a porn mag. My only other counter argument is that I live next to a raceway. The crowds, owners and drivers are 50/50 The friends are 50/50. MY maths may not be exact but damn bro, i stand by it. Car enthusiasts are car enthusiasts. Posers are a different breed. We may not be as loud as our 2 1/12 ich exhaust and extractors, but we're here. And we will help you get it running again same way you would. All the best fellow car friend!

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