What is something your friends do which secretly pisses you off but haven't told them yet ?

This is my crush actually, I used to look after her dog a lot. We had a bit of a spat due to some errors I made.

I knew last weekend she needed the dog babysat and I was in touch with her before that weekend asking about taking her to dinner (which she refused).

She never asked me if I wanted to look after the dog or even could. I love the dog to bits. I consider her dog my own.

After a bit of stalking (don’t judge), turns out she got her friends to do it. For whatever reason I wasn’t adequate enough. It doesn’t piss me off so much as hurt me.

I’m the best fucking carer for that dog, besides my crush as the dog’s owner of course. I never hurt her once, she loved being with me and we played for ages. We read books together and watched an entire season of GoT together till 1am. That dog and I got along.

Fuck crushes.

/r/AskReddit Thread