What is the song that always makes you sad?

My dog broke his neck last June and he was paralyzed for a week before the doctor recommended putting him down because recovery wasn't going to be a option. The day after he broke it, I went into work and "How Do I Live" started playing over the radio. I asked my boss if he would change the station (He listened to country music and a lot of it is depressing).

He said he would, but he got distracted. Right after "How Do I Live" played, "Holes In The Floor Of Heaven" played and I started crying hysterically. My boss walked in, saw me crying, and sprinted to his phone to change the station.

I still can't listen to either song without getting teary eyed. Goddamn it, now I'm crying to just writing this. Clark, I miss you baby and I can't wait to see you on the other side of the rainbow bridge. You were the best dog I could have ever hoped for and I miss you every single day.

/r/AskReddit Thread