What do you see in space station 13's future?

BYOND provides the graphics, the networking, the map, the user input... it's exactly like a very early incarnation of Unreal. An engine is a package of core functionality you can use so you can focus on building the game instead of building the fine technical details. You can create a functional BYOND game server with a couple of lines of code and a few icons and connect to it and run around. No, Dreamseeker does that. BYOND does not provide hosting. They have forums and a hub server that collects and publishes the data of all the servers people have created. Hosting was in Quotes because I didn't mean hosting as in, hosting the servers, but hosting a browser for the servers. BYOND provides the movement and collision detection. SS13 uses it. Again, that would be Dreamseeker. ... Uh, when you run the DME locally, you're running it with BYOND. You can't run Dreammaker code without the BYOND virtual machine, it's a unique language they invented for their platform to try to make coding more accessible. Uninstall everything and try to run the DME if you don't believe me. No, you run it with dreamseeker. How do you think BYOND works? I'm telling you, SS13 is a massive collection of assets for the BYOND engine. I don't really care if you believe me or not, I'm saying this for your benefit not mine. At best, BYOND could be considered the "suite" which contains DreamMaker, DreamDaemon, and DreamSeeker. But as far as I can tell, Byond itself is just the catch-all people use to refer to the entire everything involved with games made in DM. And as far as saying this for my benefit, I'm not really benefiting from this as replying to you is just a waste of my time. And Byond is not an engine. A case might be made for DreamMaker being an engine, but it's more of a toolkit and environment than a true engine. As far as for my "benefit" this is doing nothing but wasting my time (which isn't really a benefit) and I've got better things to do than continue in an argument over Reddit that I've payed attention too for much longer than I should have or normally do. Good Day.

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