What is the strangest/creepiest 'thing' that has ever happened to you (or seen)?

Every time i go to Lebanon with my wife to visit her relatives, creepy shit happens. They live way down south in the countryside and still use donkeys to haul stuff between farms and villages. People are just friendly and will gladly give you everything they have, help or otherwise. We were there a couple of months and decided to invite everyone to a bbq.

Meat is expensive there, so i sprung for a sheep to get slaughtered. My wife asked if i can go pick it up from a neighboring farm one evening but her dad insisted he'll go. It was a good hour away.

He came back shaking uncontrollably, the blood drained from his face and grabbed his rifle. We follower him out and saw him fire at what appeared to be an old lady hunched over and gnawing at something. She ran straight at us and then...nothing. one minute she's charging and then she's not there.

Apparently, on the way back there was an old lady that stopped him about mid way. She asked for a ride and he obliged her. Then she asked in a weird voice "is that meat?" He thought nothing of it and invited her over the next day. As he was in earshot of his house he felt the hairs on his neck stand up. He turned around and saw her legs dragging on the ground behind them, as in her legs were suddenly 15ft long. Her looked at her and said she had the most horrific smile on her face. He whacked the donkey to make it rear up and drop her. Which it did, and he galloped home as far as donkeys can gallop.

He said casually that "they're" getting bolder. They as in jinn/demons etc. The locals are so fucking casual about it. Every time, ahh it's just a fucking demon that's all. Just say a prayer.

/r/AskReddit Thread