What is the thing that causes you to lose your temper almost instantly?

Passive aggression, I HATE having to put up with that shit. I was in a relationship with a guy who loved to say things like "How many dudes did you flirt with today?"...After it ended something changed in me and now I can't deal with it anywhere, at all. I will kindly tell you to fuck all the way off.

Like when you're "talking" to someone via text but you're also, I dunno, LIVING YOUR FUCKIN' LIFE! So yeah there are times where you genuinely don't look at your phone. When it gets to a point where you're not responding fast enough for them, they give you the: "I guess I'll leave you alone. maybe hit me up when you're not busy..."

Fuckin' fuck you.. Have you been STARING at your phone waiting for my textback? All we're talking about is how our fuckin' day went. The fuck you mad for? The POINT of a text MESSAGE is it SCREENED so I can check it and respond at MY own convenience not yours, fuck. Now, I will purposefully post-pone my response, I don't give a shit if I can literally "feel" you waiting on me. You can kindly fuck all the way off.

/r/AskReddit Thread