What is the trashiest thing somebody has done at your family Thanksgiving?

Just happened

My younger brother brought his gf to our family’s Thanksgiving. She was the only person there that was not direct family. My older brother was off having a party with his friends. We’re all in our late twenties.

For some unknown reason my younger brother’s idiot ass girlfriend starts talking shit about my older brother while laughing obnoxiously at her own statements. Everyone gets super quiet and awkward, but she wont shut up. She just keeps fucking going. About a minute in im livid and about to jump across the table at her but i stay quiet because its family tradition to not have any drama or fights on holidays. She doesnt and will never get it:

Why doesnt she like my older brother?? He was annoyed that within a month of her dating our younger brother she was repainting and renovating my dads house without permission (both brothers live with my dad). She just moved herself in and went into a two month long depression stage when my younger brother, her boyfriend, got a job after college. Like she walked through my dads house wailing and crying until my brother got home.

She’s always been an annoying idiot but this blew the cap. Dont talk shit about my fucking family and dont assume you’re family.

/r/AskReddit Thread