What websites have you slowly stopped visiting?

Again, your entire argument is based on the notion that what you define as racist/sexist/whateverist is universally so, and that's a major logical fallacy used to avoid honest discussion about tough topics.

When you become morally grounded into something (let's say illegal immigration, because that's a hot topic right now), you have a hard time being receptive to other opinions. People become too easily grounded in morals on issues wherein it should not be involved. For our example here, SJWs are generally resistant to any discussion about illegal immigration - even refusing to use the word "illegal" because that's somehow offensive - because they think proponents of enforcing laws against it are evil racists. Therefore, they shut down and refuse to listen to any reason. This is not a racist opinion, it is a reasonable one, but many will tell you otherwise and refuse to even discuss it after they discover that your opinion differs from theirs.

This is the type of situation I'm talking about. I do not seek to generalize about anything or anyone. The whole point of this thread is talking about interaction with SJWs, and that's my experience with interacting with SJWs. Being young, I have met a lot over the past several years and they do not differ in their behavior here.

Also, let me be clear: being morally bound to an opinion is not always bad. I think you'd have a hard time convincing anyone that enslaving people is okay. But things like the perceived gender wage gap, illegal immigration, the refugee crises in Europe...? These are soft compared to enslaving people, and should be discussed fairly. If someone says they hate all Muslims because of x y or z, they're probably being irrational and, yes, their opinions are useless because they are doing the same thing - allowing an opinion to become morally bound. However, if someone suggests a closed-borders policy because they are concerned for their country's safety given the recent years' history of horrific terrorist attacks, that's not racist or "Islamophobic", it's a rational concern with evidence to back it. Let me know when they start hunting people down, discriminating against them in a work environment, or some other clearly prejudiced action.

I guess the point of my message is that there's a lot of perfectly reasonable things to say in opposition to the SJW's typical set of opinions, and so I tend to encourage people to step outside of their box and challenge themselves to learn something. They might be surprised and agree, or they might disagree yet but at least they can say they have made a solid effort and simply disagree. I think the hardest part of this is that the SJW complex is fabricated primarily in purely emotional responses to most everything, and as such, people have a hard time escaping because they are afraid of what they might find.

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