What will come first: Space Legs or Star Citizen ?

Except, its not. Again, if you understood English correctly, you'd know this.

Now you're just lying again. In what world of yours does calling some random person dumb on the internet isn't an insult? :) Oh wait, you're going to tell me that I'm actually dumb so it's not an insult? Or maybe you have a more imaginitive response instead. Can't wait to find out what your for your awesome fact/proof/whatever is to fight my silly misinformation!


Aww how cute, changing a word to mean the opposite. Thanks for keeping your jokes really simple so that I can understand them with my limited grasp of your language \o/

I doubt you do, but in the off chance, go ahead and prove it.

Probably doesn't mean I certainly have a log like that (something something English language again) You're also completely deluded if you think I'd actually go and search for something like that.. it'll take me ages :( I only have them for my own entertainment and to show to friends sometimes. They often produce some giggles.

And I honestly doubt it was me, see, back when I played, I lived in wormholes.

Hehe.. I wasn't actually being serious that it could be you, I was just teasing. The chance of that would be so slim it wouldn't be worth considering. I have a couple of characters in wormholes currently (again). It's relaxing gameplay, though the scanning does get tedious sometimes. Constantly having to roll holes I'm not fond of either. I'm not that bothered about ISK anymore but I still enjoy w-space.

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