What do I do with my animals when I leave an abusive relationship?

if your really on a abusive relationship just go to the police and go to court against him, i find it kinda shitty of you being "i cant take the animals but i dont want them to be with him either" , because i know if i was in a relationship with some1 and she told everyone i was being "abusive" even tho i was not and made me give my animals away because of it that id be pissed off, if this is a real case of abusive relationship take this to the police, show them the proof and make him go to jail for it, theres no need to make the animals suffer for mistakes he might have done and u might be doing ( i know it sounds like im "victim blaming" and bla bla bla but look, u guys dont know "her", it might be a karma post , a lunatic person that thinks her ex is beating her or cheating on her and wants everyone he has gone or maybe she is on a abusive relationship and if she is indeed in one, she doesnt need help from the internet, she needs help from the police and court to bring justice to her)

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread