What would it take to form an anarcho-capitalist party?

The current mainstream brand of the Libertarian Party is "fiscally conservative, socially liberal". Libertarians shot themselves in the foot with that shit.

I think keeping the name "libertarian" is fine but kicking the non-libertarians to the curb is key. Make it widespread knowledge that a libertarian believes A, B, C and to believe differently would just make you either a center left/right indeterminate fence-sitter.

Socialists are trying their hardest to rebrand socialism. "The people own the means of production" is socialism and anything other than that isn't socialism.

Simply put, libertarinism needs to be rebranded to be truly understood otherwise in a few years we'll be the ones in other threads saying "but but but thats not true libertarinism" like the socialists we poke fun at.

If you don't believe me, this is something I saw on facebook earlier from someone who's been a right-libertarian for 5+ years:

Also, to you political purists out there who like to disparage Libertarians as some group of cold heartless Ayn Rand-ites who want all government destroyed, stop seeing the world as black-white. There are some, like me, who identify as Libertarian-Socialist. (It's a thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism) We want all the basic necessities provided with tax money, and then government is out of your personal life. Gary is the only candidate who's anti-war, pro-drug legalization/decriminalization and open to Universal Basic Income

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism Thread