What is your best substitute teacher story?

I used to work as a substitute teacher. I was pretty good at my job, I always like to hit the ground running when newly hired. I have a really strong work ethic, so I felt obliged to go the extra mile.

I took a long term position for a business/computers class. It started with a full week of just showing shows like Shark Tank and The Profit to a class of, I kid you not, fifty (50) goddamn children. The teacher asked me to work until winter break and I said sure, why not? After all, it's reliable work, a little extra pay and nothing incredibly bad could happen that would transform the way I feel about my new job, happy to be back in the labor force.

It was a business class, and I have a degree in economics. The kids were to learn about economics in the fourth quarter and I was there for the second. Seeing as I had a degree in the topic and the actual teacher wasn't well-versed in economic theory, I suggested that I cover that. She gave me the go ahead, and I took her scant lesson plans and transformed them into an interesting, in depth quarter long course.

When I told the students I'd be covering Economics, the class erupted in protest. "What does economics have to do with business!?" "Is this like school of rock? Are we even supposed to cover this!?" I told the economics had everything to do with business and that it was all going to be covered in any case, I'd just go more in depth. From day one, I want to say 20% of the students checked out.

I would write up lesson plans and handouts on concepts since we lacked a proper textbook. I assigned homework maybe five times over the next two months. I hardly gave classwork, thinking students would be happier with lectures over busy work that subs traditionally assign.

I hit it hard, I'd write a quiz every once in a while. Gave five of those on various economic concepts. Supply and Demand, Substitutes and Complements, Circular Flow, Dead Weight Loss, Taxation, Cost Maximization, Monopoly, etc. Each weekend after a quiz, I'd spend a good 2.5 hours grading in detail, writing in corrections and explanations. I gave up on no student, even the one's who handed me back blank tests. I'd go through the entire test in my dumb marker and write all the answers and an explanation to people I knew didn't care. I had a job to do, and I was going to do it to the best of my ability. I easily put an extra ten hours a week into that assignment.

I'm extremely proud to say that after two months, I had about 25 students who could probably get Bs or higher in Economics 101 courses in college. I was a good teacher and the students who tried were great kids. It made me feel good, having taught such complex things to such young people and for them to retain it so well. Only about 5 kids failed the class, and they deserved it. Not only did they dedicate no effort, but they refused to pay attention.

My dedication was rewarded with constant disruptions, cell phone use, the class being left a mess, and general disrespect. It kind of sucks, to try really hard at your job, do it well, and know that regardless a good number of students will never respect you or even practice common courtesy.

The worst of it happened three days before the end of my stay. Kids were playing with what I assumed was a soundboard on their phones. About five or six students played on in unison and recorded my reaction. It was the LeBron James vine. Yes, I am the teacher from the LeBron James vine, the one that had over 20 million loops last time I checked before this most recent summer. I was made into a viral punch line in however many seconds.

I didn't know about it until that January, despite it being one of the top vines of 2014, having only been posted about 15 days before the end of the year. A student at another high school, my old high school, told me while I was working. I looked into it a lunch time. Saw it posted on the Cleveland Cavaliers Fans Facebook page. I was really depressed about it. All I had done for them. Unappreciated. The laughing stock of literal millions. Some teachers noticed how upset I looked about it, and promptly told me to consider a different line of work. It wasn't because I wasn't cut out for it, they insisted, it was because the students just get crueler and crueler as time goes by in their experience. But still, I needed money, so I worked.

It seemed at every school I went to I was an instant celebrity. It would have been really cool if it was something awesome I'd done. But I wasn't celebrated for something good, I was famous for being the joke substitute. Every time I'd walk into a classroom, I'd be treated to kids saying "LeBron James!" whenever I had my back turned or as they were running by the door of the classroom I was assigned to during passing periods. It really stung. I even had a friend out of state tell me they saw me in a Best of, so it obviously went beyond just a school district wide meme. I got this for four solid months, a daily thing. Think getting the class in order as a sub is hard now? Try it after you're made into a viral sensation.

Eventually, I took another long term job. The kids also knew about the vine, so on the third week I told the classes about it. Said it was an unpleasant experience in return for all the work I did and really got to me. I said "It really makes me not like coming into work everyday." Kids came up to me after school that day, apologized about bringing it up and "being dicks," their words. They knew I was a good teacher, I guess I can't hate them for it. They didn't know it bothered me. Hence why we don't give the opinions of children much weight, the lack a strong sense of empathy.

Well, it turned out that was a bad idea. Some parents complained that the sub said he "hated his job" and was talking about material outside of the lesson plan. The vice-principal sent the dean to tell me I was being relieved of the long term assignment after school. I went to talk to the vice-principal about it, explained the situation, and was bothered to hear they'd already lined up my replacement, not even giving me the opportunity to clarify what was said. I told her she was taking the easy path instead of doing what's right.

I guess she didn't like my tone or my willingness to challenge her. A week later the district decided to sever my employment agreement, since they can fire a sub for any and no reason. I'm still unsure as to why kids are so cruel to subs, we're just working people. We have lives outside of our jobs. It seems strange to just treat a person at work so horrendously. I know, kids will be kids, but damn.

On top of that I also had kids tell me I'm a loser to my face. Say things like "Teachers make less than garbage men and you make less than a teacher!" But I also had students express gratitude, gift me with Christmas cards and letters of appreciation, and just be chill people. And I've had weird experiences, like a young girl taking a picture of me without my knowledge and writing "If he was my teacher, I'd come to class everyday." I suppose I should have been flattered, but the intention wasn't mean so I didn't really hold much ill will.

Also, I met some cool people, like the famous rice kid. He was actually in my computers class (a joke of a high school course). He used to make comical powerpoint presentations about the Illuminati and African American children from fatherless households.

I suppose some people will laugh when they hear how it all ended up, maybe some people will feel guilty over the depression I developed for a while. The story could be a lot more in depth, but this is already a massive post so whatever. I'm pretty much over it, except for whenever I hear the name LeBron James. I don't watch NBA games, but I had the joy of hearing his name while watching the first Republican debates. I guess a nerd can get crap at any age, oh well, at least I got paid to sit there and read a few books on less demanding assignments. Sometimes I worry about getting called out and recognized at malls or restaurants, I never really asked for this. Also, I'm sure this post is full of typos, understand I'm not proofreading this and it isn't indicative of my writing abilities.

tl;dr Sub got canned after some kids made a vine of him literally doing nothing, simply turning around in response to a vine being played.

Come to think of it, I'm most bothered by the false advertising from that kid. He said "teacher gets pissed." I was rather docile in the video.

/r/AskReddit Thread