What was your "I cant believe this is happening right now" moment of your life ?

It’s going to sound lame, obviously, but when my ex and I broke up. He hit me, cheated on me, lied to everyone, called me names, bullied the ever loving shit out of me. I still find it hard to get up some mornings. I only put myself through all of that because I’ve honestly never been in love before, and I thought we’d be together forever. Fast forward and he bullies me to this day, and I still can’t believe it’s over. I’ve made my peace with it now, but I was in denial for about 6 years. I really wish it hadn’t happened, the break up was as painful as he could possibly make it, and I don’t think I’ll ever recover. It really made me realize life is short, so short, and some things just don’t heal quickly enough, or may never heal at all no matter how much time passes. It felt like some horrible divorce, even though we were just gf/bf.

It’s painful, please don’t torture people who love you, for the love of god. It’s fucking horrible.

/r/AskReddit Thread