What was your 'I don't get paid enough for this shit' moment?

Working for a rental company (one like Rent A Center). The reason those companies exist is because very poor people can't buy items outright, so they pay a weekly rental fee. I work in Appalachia. I used to have to go take people's stuff when they didn't pay, my customers often lived wayyyy out in the middle of nowhere, I'm talking like gravel roads into the Appalachian hills middle of nowhere.

Anyway, some lady wasn't paying for her stove, she constantly went late on us. I'd seen disturbing home situations before, in fact most of our customers had disgusting and disturbing houses, you got used to it. I get to this lady's house, it's winter, and she has no fucking heat. It's freezing fucking cold in her house, I'm stepping over piles of trash, and walking over to her stove. She's bitching like they always do, and I'm disgusted by her house. A kid, maybe like 7 or 8 walks in, and he's wearing a jacket with adult jeans and his legs are sticking out of holes in the knees, he had a belt...it was an extension cord. I took their fucking stove because that's my job. I felt horrible and got back to the store and was informed by my manager that we weren't allowed to call CPS because it would alienate our customers. Basically, our owner straight up knew most of our customers lived in shitty situations and made an unwritten rule that you don't call CPS. I considered doing it anonymously...but I have bills to pay and I don't have enough money to stand up for what's right. I left the place not soon after, I got sick of seeing the same situations and seeing little kids who are destined to grow up to be nothing more than trailer trash because their parents are pieces of shit. It's not the reason I left, but I was sick of it by the end. I wish I could say I did the right thing, but I didn't. Oh, and also that lady's house straight up blew up not soon after. Luckily, no one was in it, but it was a gas leak. So yeah, when I took her stove I may have accidentally blown her house up.

/r/AskReddit Thread