What was your first kiss like? Embarrassing, exactly like romance movies, or not sure?

Definitely wasn't expecting it. I had an internet friend that id play games with a lot and over time we eventually decided to meet up. Now we had talked and tried having a long distance relationship before, but it never ever worked out between us because of said distance, but we were definitely into each other for a very long time. Normally she's a 22 hour drive from me but her mother was getting married so she flew in for the wedding which was held somewhere only 8 hours away from me. We planned to meet up as soon as we found out how close the venue was to me. We were only supposed to meet as friends but within 5 seconds of meeting we were making out in the middle of the road in front of the house she was staying at. We had a fight a couple weeks before i drove up to her and i was genuinely scared that i wouldnt get to see her (i had other internet friends living relatively close to where she was at and so she wasnt the only reason i drove up there.) So on the last day before i went home, i messaged her and asked her if we could still meet up to atleast talk about things between us. She agreed, and the moment i stepped out of my car we kissed and then spent the entire next 48 hours together acting like a couple.

We had our problems but damn if i dont miss her still.

/r/AskReddit Thread