What was your first "victory" in medicine? And what was your biggest?


Got called to a large chain store for difficulty breathing and my partner was giving me shit for running red lights and sirens. Company policy wasn't to run them unless it was a cardiac arrest, but the county had a tiered system where dispatch would tell us whether to run hot or not. Anyway, about 1/2 way there we get upgraded to an arrest with CPR in progress. We got on scene and 1 shock put the patient back into NSR. He was discharged without deficit a few weeks later. It should be mentioned it wasn't just my win. All I did was interpret the rhythm and push a button. The bystanders on scene did a great job with CPR and my backup crew was the bomb. It was still the first ROSC I was a part of so I chocked it in the win column.


We got a call on the station phone from a spouse for a patient that "had the flu" and "just needed help getting to the car." We mosey over to the house and I find an acutely ill patient who went completely limp when we tried to help her move. The spouse says that she's been vomiting/diarrhea/running a fever for days. When I tried to get a HPI it becomes clear she's aphasic. She has no medical history most likely because she hadn't visited a doctor in the past 30-40 years. So, I'm rolling with the thought she is having a complication of dehydration and start dropping fluid while my partner gets her on the monitor. I look up after I sink the line and she's running at 190bpm. One cardioversion later and we are doing much better. - GCS pretty much at 15. I returned a BGL of "HIGH" which is only pertinent because the lab got one around 1200. Our hospital staff did a fantastic job after I handed off and she also walked out a few weeks later. Again, I was just a cog in the machine, but it was such a rollercoaster case that the outcome had me smiling for days.

/r/medicine Thread