Developing a set of guidelines to determine what champion to main

Here is my set of primary champs, from top to bot.

Rumble, Fizz, Xerath, Jinx, Nami

Fizz jungle is the exception to the trend here, and is nothing like the rest. Fizz is a random fun carry jungler. Very risky.

Every other champ is essentially a zone control champ with decent lane phase, strong teamfight impact, and can provide utility to the team even when behind out of lane.

Rumble ult during midgame is OP from behind or ahead. Strong zone control. Lane bully. Strong lvl 6 roams.

Fizz random, like I said above. (Low gold income makes me want to have a stronger kit inherently for snowballing, which fizz does well with decent early pathing.)

Xerath has a stun and long range poke, and is useful in this way while behind or ahead. You will never feed since you can play super safe(requires good positioning). Zone control with poke. Strong laner in most matchups. Can help sidelanes with a short roam at lvl 6.

Jinx is cleanup while ahead or behind, and thus always has a use. Map pressure with ultimate. Decent laner. Can be behind and still perform lategame due to inherent cleanup nature. Slight zone control with chompers.

Nami is useful at any point with bubble and ultimate, ahead or behind. Great zone control with these abilities. Super strong laner. Great at roams with her speed passive.

I found my playstyle once I figured that both Nami and Rumble were my favorites. The champs I play require precise use of abilities, intelligent positioning, and decent decision making to avoid feeding. They all perform decently even when behind. They all have pretty strong map pressure if they roam. They all have strong zone control. I personally value zone control higher than hard CC, although if you can have both then you are golden. Both soft and hard CC can usually function as some sort of zone control (implied or practical zone. Malph ult vs Morg Q)

I suggest just trying to find a single lane you like, and then playing a bunch of champs in that lane in normals. Whatever you have most fun on, try it more. If you decide you like it a bunch, find champs like that!

/r/summonerschool Thread