What is your horrible roommate story?

She has massive anger issues. Like, throwing things and smashing her controller when she loses in a video game.

She's always making herself out to be a victim, or like me or our other housemates are just out to get her. Here's the types of interactions we have with her.

I ask, "Do you need to do laundry?"

Her face immediately droops "... Why?"

"I need to do a few loads, but I can do them later."

She sighs and rolls her eyes "Fine, go riiiiight ahead."

"Do your laundry, mine can wait..."

"Nope, fuck my plans."

"I don't have to do this right now..."

She slams her door, and the next time I talk to her she makes sure to bring up how her plans for the day were ruined.

"I told you, I didn't have to do my laundry right then."

"So you didn't need to, but you did it anyway right when I needed to do mine"

"I said you could do yours and you went off moping"

"I see this is a pointless conversation" and she walks off

/r/AskReddit Thread