What is your main source of stress right now?

My mom and her constant power plays and her hypocrisy. They've become so petty and emotionally taxing I've started to put some distance in between us, it feels like she knows I'm coming into my own as an adult so she wants to hold on to the little control she has over my life, and when I say these power plays are petty...they are P E T T Y. Example: I tell her that I can drive her to the hair salon the day before, like way early in the day. Later on that night my friends and I got pretty ripped so I texted her that I probably won't be able to drive her, mind you this text was sent at like 9:30 p.m. and her appointment was at 3:30 p.m. the next day, so I figured she could find another ride. Next morning I wake up with 5 missed calls from her, which conveniently took place at 7:30 a.m., y'know, a time that a drunk person isn't going to wake up at after literally passing out the hour before (wild night). Then I see some texts talking about how if I don't pick her up, she's going to walk over and take it herself. That was 2 hours later so I was still asleep. I get up to check if my car is missing, which it isn't, but in the 5 minute timeframe it took me to take a piss and check again, she had taken it and drove herself to the hair salon. It gets better.....come to find out.....she didn't walk, she had her husband's brother DRIVE her over to my place. When I asked her why she put in so much effort to do that when she could've asked the BIL for a ride, she gave me the same dumb look she gives everyone else when she knows she's been cornered.

The hypocrisy is a whole 'nother story, but to put it short and sweet, I like rap music and naturally it can get very vulgar, something she "can't stand" (while repeating the lyrics back to me, which I always point out), just to see her watching a black stand-up comedy with literally the same exact content and words being spoken, asked her whats the difference between this and my music, her response: "This is comedy! What you listen to isn't.....DearestVelvet shut up talking to me".

Honestly starting to see why she's been dating men in their 70's and 80's since divorcing my dude, no middle aged man in their right mind would put up with her shit.

/r/AskReddit Thread