What is your opinion on Black Lives Matter?

I personally find the Black Lives Matter movement a lot more accepting than most of the gay community overall as a queer person of color. I've attended rallies and protests for LGBTQ and BLM groups and by far BLM has been more inclusive. I just honestly don't feel nearly as included for whatever reason within LGBTQ activist circles unless it's composed primarily of people of color. Again, this is just my experience from my interactions. BLM/BLM-related groups have certainly been more accepting of me as a queer non-black person than the LGBTQ groups (talking about the people in them specifically, not the organizations overall) have been for being a non-white person.

Nationally, I believe that there are issues with the Black Lives Matter as an organization in terms of structure and leadership but as an ideology, I find it very important. Yes, all lives matter, but to me it seems evident that people as well as the systems we live in value black lives less. It's not that other lives don't matter, it's that I feel that we have to remind people that black lives matter. Otherwise, we're just going to get the same story: some black man or woman maybe with or without a criminal record will get pulled over and accosted by a cop, shot to death with minimal justification, with people clamoring "Well, he had a gun" or "He had been arrested before, he deserved it". Police do not have the right to execute someone for a petty crime; hell, Dylann Roof got escorted out and taken to Burger King after shooting up a Charleston church. I think it is a race thing and the inability for people to really see how pervasive it is is one of the biggest barriers to achieving any semblance of racial justice.

Again, this is just my opinion. Upvote or downvote, it really won't change my experiences or my mind.

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