What was your worst "Oh fuck, I'm actually going to die" moment?

I was on a party bus once on the way to an organised backpackers bar crawl in Australia. Somebody started chanting that everybody should create a huge bundle of people sitting on each other on the back seat of the bus. I was around the fifth or sixth person to get on, and thought it'd be funny to lie across their laps, not realising that I'd be laying down under everyone else, as opposed to sitting upright.

For around a minute or so it was great, there was a team of cheerleaders on the coach, and one of them was sitting on my face, while another was on my crotch. After around a minute however, I realised I was being crushed by ten people on top of me and literally couldn't draw in any breath as my ribcage was being crushed. I reached up and started grabbing at people's faces but couldn't get anyone to notice. By a complete stroke of luck, one guy looked down and noticed me through a crack between people, saw my face and literally hauled me out, knocking off a huge bundle of people, and saving my life.

I did realise later that night however, that if I had died I would've gone out with a cheerleader sitting on my face, so it wouldn't have been that bad.

/r/AskReddit Thread