Comcast asks the FCC to prohibit states from enforcing net neutrality

Mandatory voting doesn't work the way everyone always pushes it in America. I sat out 2016 because fuck them all. You're blaming people for not voting and not looking at the system that produces terrible candidates all around. We've got a partisanry problem that is so problem the entire process has literally devolved into people just SCREAMING at each other and calling each other names, then everyone is shocked when numbnutts on both sides get radicalized and the nothing ever actually gets done when either party is in office other than them both pushing some corporate agenda, plus some shit-ball policy they can hold up to say "look, I did something good!" but it never works the way they say it will, because even on their exceptional pet projects they screw the pooch six ways from sunday, because they're all that goddamned bad at what they do for a living, but if you complain too much then you're the problem and you don't understand the political process and you're stupid and and and... so yeah... I sit it out. And the motherfucker who takes that right to not be involved in this stupid shitbag process of getting to feel like I'm involved when I have no fucking say anyways is the one I vote against out of spite because goddamn you for taking my last remaining bit of say and real freedom you dirty motherfuckers, and why? Because you think you can FORCE me to vote the way you want me to? Get ready for the forced spite, this is America, you son of a bitch, it's on it's way out the door but you come for that and I'm gonna make certain for damned sure you don't get what you thought you could twist my arm into giving. It doesn't have to be logical. Spite rarely fucking is.

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