What was your worst "Oh fuck, I'm actually going to die" moment?

I got measles back in 2012, in my first year of college. Some guy on my course had the sniffles, turns out it was measles, I got it from him I think, my face swelled up, my throat, my entire body swelled up. I collapsed in the doctors after they said I had the flu. I got rushed to hospital in quarantine, masks on the full works, a doctor put I drip in and missed my vein, my arm swelled up huge. I had already passed it onto my 3 brothers and two sisters, although they were just bed bound. My uncle came before they showed signs, because you apparently have it for like a week before you show, who then have it to my cousins. Again, they just were bed bound. Whilst in hospital, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t breathe, I remember one night I was overheating, but shivering at the same time, and the nurse came in every 30 seconds to make sure I had no blankets because I wasn’t allowed to because I’d overheat. I genuinely was content with not recovering that night, I was okay with closing my eyes and everything to disappear. Was at a low point and combined with the illness, I wanted it gone. But I had a little moment, I recovered and after 5 days I could actually speak and see again properly. I know people have worse illnesses in life, and worse things happen, but I feel lucky after hearing stories of measles, and I got salty at Mum for not getting High quality pics of my almost dying, the ones she took were awful.

/r/AskReddit Thread